奧斯卡懷舊影城-第二套DVD (60部經典名片/18片裝)


奧斯卡懷舊影城-第二套DVD (60部經典名片/18片裝)



  • 日正當中High Noon
  • 俠骨柔情My Daring Clementine
  • 蕩寇誌Jesse James
  • 紅河谷Red River
  • 翡翠谷How Green Was My Valley
  • 碧血金沙Treasure of the Sierra Madre
  • 驛馬車Stagecoach
  • 壯志千秋Cimarron
  • 原野奇俠Shane
  • 虎帳狼煙Drums Along the Mohawk
  • ★歷險篇★
  • 大金剛
  • 金銀島Treasure Island
  • 天方夜譚Arabian Nights
  • 阿里巴巴與四十大盜Alibaba and the Forty Thieves
  • 月宮寶盒The Thief of Bagdad
  • 辛巴達尋寶記Sinbad The Sailor
  • 非洲皇后The African Queen
  • 失落的地平線Lost Horizon
  • 木兵大進擊March of the Wooden Soldiers
  • 螺旋梯The Spiral Staircase
  • ★戰爭篇★
  • 日正當中High Noon
  • 俠骨柔情My Daring Clementine
  • 蕩寇誌Jesse James
  • 紅河谷Red River
  • 翡翠谷How Green Was My Valley
  • 碧血金沙Treasure of the Sierra Madre
  • 驛馬車Stagecoach
  • 壯志千秋Cimarron
  • 原野奇俠Shane
  • 虎帳狼煙Drums Along the Mohawk
  • ★動作篇★
  • 七武士Seven Samurai
  • 叛艦諜血記Mutiny On The Bounty
  • 梟巢喋血戰The Maltese Falcon
  • 岸上風雲On the Waterfront
  • 凱恩艦事變 The Caine Mutiny
  • 海底二萬哩20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
  • 螞蟻雄兵The Naked Jungle
  • 美人如玉劍如虹Scaramouche
  • 玉女神駒National Velvet
  • 海外特派員Foreign Correspondent
  • ★人物篇★
  • 聖女貞德Joan of Arc
  • 居禮夫人Madame Curie
  • 安徒生傳Hans Christian Andersen
  • 薩巴達傳Viva Zapata
  • 葛倫米勒傳The Glenn Miller Story
  • 左拉傳The Life Emile Zola
  • 一代奸雄All The King’s Men
  • 賣花女Pygmalion
  • 風雲人物It’s a Wonderful life
  • 忠勇之家Mrs. Miniver
  • ★寫實篇★
  • 怒火之花The Grapes Of Wrath
  • 君子協定Gentleman’s Agreement
  • 大飯店Grand Hotel
  • 郎心如鐵A Place In The Sun
  • 失去的週末The Lost Weekend
  • 黃金時代The Best Years of Our Lives
  • 日落大道Sunset Boulevard
  • 浮生若夢You Can’t Take It With You
  • 鹿苑長春The Yearling
  • 小夜曲Humoresque
  • 規格:



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